Writing a Recovery Letter for the website
Recovery Letters should be short enough to read in one sitting as attention span when unwell can be short. You can explain what worked for you but best to avoid direct advice as recovery is different for everyone.
The best letters give some insight into your own experience with depression but concentrate on reassuring others that recovery is possible.
We don't publish all letters but are happy to give some ideas about how to write an inspiring letter; for example it can help to imagine someone in deep suffering in front of you as you write.
Some brief guidelines, letters should:
Be addressed to 'Dear You'
Written in the first person e.g. 'I felt that...'
Be up to 1,000 words in length, preferably less
Be supportive and give comfort to the person reading the letter
Use your first name or a pseudonym to end the letter
You retain copyright and responsibility for the letter and at any time you can ask for it to be taken down or changed. You can of course use the letter on your own blog or elsewhere; if you could link to this website too that would be really appreciated. If you can promote this website on any social media that would be great.
We’re always looking for letters in other languages other then English. You can send them in your native language and I will read them via Google Translate.
No money changes hands for this website, no one is paid nor pays; it's about helping those currently suffering. The letters may be edited to fit in with the others but this will be done in conjunction with you to make sure you're happy. At the moment we only accept letters from people who are 18 years old and above.
Lorna, one of the letter writers, says about her experience:
“In my own darkness of depression, I was looking for a slither of light. I was very fortunate to find some.
Some were in the form of the spoken and written experiences of people who had been there. Their open and frank words encouraged me and supported me through my own journey. I realized that I was not alone
When I heard about The Recovery Letters project, I was very keen to support it and contribute if I could. Writing my letter meant a lot to me as it was a way of reaching out to many people suffering at once. I hoped and sill hope that someone might benefit from me sharing my experience and feelings.”
Send your letter with a quick covering e-mail to James: therecoveryletters@yahoo.co.uk