From Joseph

Dear You

I have suffered from a reactive depression for much of my adult life;  martial breakdown, coming to terms with my sexuality and guilt at the break  up of my family being the primary causes. Coming from a Roman Catholic  background I was very familiar with the adage that “God helps those who help  themselves”. This became my mantra, I put all my energies into my work as a  mental health professional and blocked out the black thoughts. This worked 
for a while, and then all of a sudden without warning I was a wreck. In  retrospect all the signs were there but I was so focused on helping myself  that I had forgotten what an insidious beast depression can be.

For the first time in my life I experienced the awesome power of the mind.  At times I was overwhelmed by the strength of the feelings of complete worthlessness coupled with suicidal ideation, and yet conversely at other times I felt that I existed in a void with no emotions what so ever. I was fortunate that my G.P. was sufficiently aware of mental health issues that 
she recognised that I was not ready for “talking therapies” at that stage,  and that I needed medication in order to lift my mood to allow me to engage.

I was aware that medication could take up to six weeks to really take  effect, six minutes felt too long to continue in this state, I needed to feel better immediately. Two trips to A&E one week apart had very different outcomes. The first time I was petrified that the duty Psychiatrist was going to detain me, on the second occasion I was terrified of being sent 
home. Psychiatric wards are not pleasant places to be but I felt safe and this for me was the turning point, I no longer had sole responsibility for myself someone else was in charge. Through my treatment plan I came to the understanding that for me the idea of taking my own life was about control. I had lived for so long amidst a maelstrom of emotions that I felt 
completely out of control and therefore suicide would have been the ultimate in taking charge of my own destiny. My key worker helped me to set realistic targets, initially very small, and to focus at the end of each day upon the positives that I had achieved as opposed to the negatives. I was assisted to evaluate my life and to plan for the time when I would no longer be working and have the social contact that my job provided.

Most importantly I was helped to see myself in a positive light and to come to the understanding that there are certain things in life over which we have no control and therefore have no culpability for. I have been well now for over five years, I still have odd days when I feel a black cloud lurking and it is then that I remember the seven R’s:

Recover your confidence.
Rebuild your life.
Rely on support and understanding.
Regain respect.
Restore your faith.
Rekindle your creativity.
Respect your beautiful mind.

My journey to good mental health has not been easy but I am a much stronger person for having undertaken it. I have been helped along the way by various professionals and some wonderful friends. I could not have done this alone. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this and please do remember that whatever stage your journey is at you need not travel alone.

Best wishes



From Matt